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Wednesday Wisdom & Wit

12/15/2021 03:21:32 PM


Rabbi Daniel Sherman

TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS – Yesterday I was honored to participate in the new Together New Orleans Citywide Delegates Assembly.  Harry Lowenburg, Tyler Guidroz, and I represented Temple Sinai for the gathering at First Grace United Methodist Church.  We joined with 50 other organizations, including churches, synagogues, and civic institutions who are striving to build a new “WE” in New Orleans to solve our common problems.  Goals for Together New Orleans include developing trust across the lines that have divided our community in the past, in particular the line of race; strengthening community leadership so that we are more effective at working together; and achieving change on concrete issues of our choosing.  We are proud that Temple Sinai will be a founding member institution of this new “WE” for New Orleans.  To learn more, check out the website  I want to thank Harry, who has been an integral part of Together New Orleans since its inception, and Tyler, who recently helped to lead a community forum that we hosted at the Temple.  I also want to thank our Temple’s Social Justice Committee, chaired by Luz Molina, and our Temple officers and board for their support of this important endeavor.  We will keep you updated as to what happens next.

            When you drive by Temple Sinai, you might notice a slight change outside of our building.  The banner that proudly stood above the entrance to our sanctuary has come down.  The banner had been up for the past several years, a symbol of our commitment to be a House of Prayer for all and a haven of love not hate.  Banners have a limited lifespan, but the message remains important.  The banner had begun to fade and to look tattered and worn.  Our Temple Board voted to remove the banner (or not to put it back up the next time it fell), which is now the case.  We want to thank all those who have helped the Temple to be a beacon of light and hope to our entire community – we pledge to continue to work to protect the rights of all and to pursue justice, equality, and peace in our community.

            Please let me know or contact the Temple if you have any questions or are interested in becoming more involved.   Together we can make a difference.

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