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Wednesday Wisdom & Wit

02/01/2023 03:09:48 PM


Rabbi Daniel Sherman

            Last week ended with heart-breaking news: the murder of seven Israelis who were shot coming out of their synagogue in East Jerusalem following Shabbat services.  On Saturday, there was a shooting in Jerusalem by a Palestinian teenager with a gun.  We discussed the violence at our Torah Study on Shabbat morning.  At services we prayed for the victims and their families.  On Sunday morning we talked about the importance of Israel with our Chavurah@Sinai students and how we hoped all of them would be able to visit Israel one day.  We prayed for peace and sang HaTikvah – the Israeli national anthem, which means “The Hope.”

            The terror of last Shabbat concluded a few violent days in Israel and the West Bank.  And I fear that there will be more.  We mourn for the victims and pray for the healing of those who were injured.  “SHA’ALU SH’LOM YERUSHALAYIM – Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all those who live there.”  May all live there in peace and security.  May our Israeli family members know safety – and we pray for the leaders and all those who protect Israel.

            I look back on last Shabbat with fear and sadness.  But I look forward to this Shabbat with much joy and excitement.  This Shabbat is known as “SHABBAT SHIRAH – the Sabbath of Song,” as we read the Song of the Sea: the song we sang thanking and praising God after we successfully crossed the Red Sea to freedom.  We will have a special musical Shabbat service this Friday evening, Feb. 3.  Joining Cantor Colman will be Cantor Rebecca Garfein, and they have planned a joyous service as we celebrate this special Shabbat together.  Our pre-service Shabbat Shalom Nosh begins at 6:00pm and services will start at 6:30pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

            And the joy and music won’t stop there.  I hope you will also join us for a fantastic Cantorial Concert on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 5 at 3:00pm in the sanctuary.  We are celebrating Cantor Colman, who will be joined by two very talented colleagues and friends: Cantor Rebecca Garfein and Cantor Steven Weiss.  The concert will feature Jewish liturgical music, along with some opera and Yiddish tunes, as well as favorites from Broadway.  I hope will you will plan on being there as we honor and thank Cantor Colman for all that he has meant to Temple Sinai.

            And don’t forget – Wednesday Night Live: Join me this evening at 7:00pm on Zoom for an “Ask the Rabbi” conversation. 

Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784